guilt: it's not just for catholic school girls anymore! we all have a little secret love tucked up our sleeve, something we stash behind the couch or in the back of the drawer or hidden in a folder named test.doc on our computers. the storytellers have come up with pleasures from the Enquirer to, well, our first layout below. show us your crazy guilty pleasures! what are you really embarrassed about doing/using/eating/seeing?

LEE says, "Yes... it's so very WRONG, but man i like to get my fix of trashy gossip from N.W.":

LUCY says, "I can't survive without my Nutella every morning! Yep, it's my breakfast! ewww i know and it makes me feel so guilty!":

LOVE this TOPIC! You ladies ROCKED the LO's! I can't believe I forgot to post my body part LO last night! DAMN!
Gotta get busy on this one!
oh wow! your layouts are awesome!
already know my guilty pleasure *wink* can't wait to play :)
hmmm... guilty pleasure.. this could be a fun one again! also thank you so much for the prize package for my crush layout! I loved all of it!
I look forward to your challenges! Here's mine...Spongebob...need I say more? ROFL
yay courtney! i'm glad you liked it!!
I feel like I'm cheating here.. I did this layout for last year's HOF entry. Totally went out of my element with the colors but loved what I did. It seriously is a guilty pleasure! Sephora is NOT my friend! Neither is Ulta!
Im loving these challenges, thanks :)
Here is the link for my 'guilty pleasures' LO
Thanks kel xox
Awesome topic once again girls....heres mine!
here's mine:
Awesome topic, here's mine!
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